Author Guidelines for a Camera-Ready Paper Submission

The authors of each accepted paper are requested to submit their final submissions to the Editors of the Conference Proceedings via email address: by September 15th, 2017.  Please be informed that this is a strict deadline.  The paper sent after the deadline will not be accepted.
The final submission to be sent to the editors must include:

  1. Two Camera-Ready files, in a Word format and a PDF format, of an accepted paper which has been strictly revised according to the reviewers’ comments.  Please be informed that the editors may not accept the paper which has not been revised accordingly to be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS).

For the length of the paper, a FULL paper should be 10-14 pages and a SHORT paper should be 6-8 pages.

Your file name must be identified by an EasyChair’s submission number generated to your paper earlier.  Please save your file’s name as “Camera-Ready of ICADL2017 Paper…”  For example, if your submission no. is 1, you must save your file name as Camera-Ready of ICADL2017 Paper 1.

A camera-ready paper must be strictly prepared by following the “Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to Springer Computer Science Proceedings”.
See the information at

Download a Guideline’s file
Download a MS Word template file
Download a LaTex template file

Please make sure that all the authors’ names, organizational affiliations, and email addresses are included and typed correctly in a camera-ready paper.  Please also identify a corresponding author of the paper for further correspondences.

  1. A Springer copyright form, signed by a corresponding author, on behalf of the other authors of the paper.

Download a Copyright form