iTunes U ช่องทางใหม่ในการเผยแพร่องค์ |
จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ได้ลงนามความร่วมมือกับบริษัท Apple เพื่อร่วมเผยแพร่ผลงานวิชาการบน “iTune University” หรือ iTunes U
แหล่งคลังข้อมูลด้านการศึกษาที่ iTunes U จะเป็นอีกช่องทางหนึ่งที่จะช่ ปัจจุบันศูนย์นวัตกรรมการเรี คณาจารย์ผู้สนใจร่วมเผยแพร่ iTunes U Application Provides Latest Online Access to CU’s Academic Resources iTunes U Application Provides Latest Online Access to CU’s Academic Resources Chulalongkorn University has signed an agreement with Apple Inc. to release CU academic works on “iTunes University” or iTunes U, a new online application to serve as a repository for academic resources of internationally recognized educational institutions. The academic content online on the iTunes application will be under supervision of CU Learning Innovation Center. The iTunes U application allows an online access to extensive academic content of digital lectures, audiobooks or multimedia resources from worldwide education institutions. The application is available on PC and mobile devices including iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The application has recently been launched for educational institutions in Thailand to provide their academic content online in 2014. Currently, CU Learning Innovation Center has released various CU academic content on the iTunes U application, for example, “A Quick Tour of Chulalongkorn University” presentation with subtitles in 12 languages, CU Gateway projects, Pillar of the Kingdom lecture series, and etc. Lecturers who are interested to release their works on the iTunes U application can contact for more information at CU Learning Innovation Center at Tel. 0-2218-0242 to 3 or email: Students and the general public can experience a full range of CU online academic content now by downloading “iTunes U” application at App Store (free of charge) and searching for “Chulalongkorn University”.