รายละเอียดวิชา 2209757 Selected Topic in Linguistics ปี 2564
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2209757 The Structure of Thai Noun Phrases
Instructor: Khanin Chaiphet, Stony Brook University
วิชานี้จะทำการเรียนการสอนเป็นภาษาไทย ผ่าน Zoom วันศุกร์ เวลา 9:30 – 12:30น.
In this seminar, we will explore various syntactic theories and analyses of Thai noun phrases throughout the history of generative grammar. The topics range from the long standing NP vs. DP debate to the structure and interpretation of different types of noun phrases. We will also examine the core properties of nominal modifiers such as adjectives, quantifiers, classifiers, relative clauses, demonstratives, prepositions, etc. The topics covered include (but are not limited to):
- DP/NP phenomena in the world’s languages
- Order of elements within noun phrases
- Some on-going debate between NP vs. DP
- Parallels between the clausal and the nominal domain
- Thai binding: anaphors, pronominals, R-expressions
- Thai bare nouns
- NP-movement
- Definiteness and specificity
- Plurality
- Thai numerals
- Num-to-D movement
- Quantifier Float
- Quantifier scope ambiguity
- Existence of Thai adjectives
- “Classifier-like” morphemes
- Classifier-modifier constructions
- Bare classifier phrases
- Multiple classifier constructions
- The classifier system across Southeast Asian languages
- The structure of restrictive vs. appositive relative clauses
- Relative vs. noun-complement clauses
- Predicate Inversion in Thai noun phrases
- Deixis
- Demonstratives as adjuncts