On Thursday, October 4, 2019, the faculty staff from the Spanish Section were invited to the opening ceremony of Urban Patterns, an art exhibition at Bangkok Art and Culture Center. Hosted by the Embassy of Mexico in Thailand, “Urban Patterns” showcases the work by Paloma Torres, a renowned Mexican artist and a professor of art history and graphic design at Iberoamericana University, Mexico City. Created and developed in Guadalajara, Oaxaca and Mexico City, the “Urban Patterns” exhibits consist of a series of textiles made with various techniques inspired by an aerial photograph series of Mexico City and its suburbs. The resonance of the urban setting arises from Torres’ concern that “all city spaces shape the spirit of their citizens”. She wishes to create awareness of the contamination the urban dwellers are facing whether they be sight, sound, or smell. Among the guests were the Ambassador of Brazil, Gilberto Fonseca Guimaraes de Moura, the Ambassador of Colombia, Andelfo García, and the Ambassador of Panama, María del Carmen Martínez Arosemena.
The exhibition will last until October 23, 2016. For more information, please contact the Embassy of Mexico in Thailand or log on to Facebook page embamextai, palomatorres.com, http://en.bacc.or.th, and https://embamex2.sre.gob.mx/tailandia002F.