About the Program/Courses Offered:

1. What kind of courses do you offer?

CTFL offers three programs: Intensive Thai Program (ITP), Thai for Chinese Speakers Program (TCS), and Communicative Thai for Beginners Program (CTB)

2. How are the three courses different?

Intensive Thai Program (ITP)
– a full-time program that consists of 9 levels: beginning (ITP 1-3), intermediate (ITP 4-6), and advanced (ITP 7-9).
– focuses on on four skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing).
– advanced courses also include the study of Thai culture and society in addition to the Thai language. Attendance and participation should be no less than 80% of the total hours and assessment is required on the last day of class. Students will be given a transcript and awarded a certificate after completing levels 3, 6 and 9.

Thai for Chinese Speakers Program (TCSP)
– consists of 2 levels (Thai 1 and 2)
– taught in Mandarin/Thai
– suitable for Chinese learners who are not well-versed in English
– students who wish to continue studying can take Intensive Thai Program 3

Communicative Thai for Beginners (CTB)
– focuses on beginning Thai communication and knowledge of Thai culture
– focuses on speaking and listening and is a part-time course (outside normal school hours)
– assessment is not a requirement at the completion of the course
– consists of 3 levels (CTB 1, 2 and 3)

3. How long do the Intensive Thai Program (ITP) and Thai for Chinese Speakers Program (TCSP) courses take?

Both courses consist of 100 hours (90 hours of class and 10 hours of extracurricular activities). Classes run from Monday-Friday, 3 hours a day.

4. How long does the Communicative Thai for Beginners (CTB) course take?

Currently, the CTB course consists of 40 hours. Classes run on Monday and Wednesday (6.00-8.00 p.m.)

5. Do you offer a private course?

CTFL does offer a private, tailor-made course for individuals or groups. The content is geared towards the interest of learners. Each course consists of 30 hours. The total fee is THB36,000 (THB1,200 per hour). No certificate is awarded after the completion of the course.

6. Do you offer any extra-curricular activities?

We do arrange extra-curricular activities for the Intensive Thai Program (ITP) and the Thai for Chinese Speakers Program (TCSP) to help students improve their Thai language usage skills. The activities focus on Thai culture. CTFL also organizes visits to important places. Extracurricular activities are not included for the Communicative Thai for Beginners course.

7. If CTFL cannot open the course due to insufficient enrollment, when will the refund be made?

CTFL reserves the right to change course schedules as well as postpone or cancel courses in case of insufficient enrollment. Students will be notified one week prior to the start date and refunded at that time.


About Course Enrollment/Application:

1. How can I enroll for the course?

Interested students can enroll by visiting room 801/1, 8th floor, Mahachakri Sirindhorn Building, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University or sending an application form to ctfl@chula.ac.th or intensive_thai@chula.ac.th. Our staff will contact you within 3 business days. If you do not hear from us, please contact (+66)-2-2184886 for confirmation.

2. What are the documents needed for enrollment?

1. Application form
2. Transfer slip
3. Passport copy
4. Photo

3. What are the fees for each course?

– Intensive Thai Program : THB 28,000 (texts+extra-curricular activities)
– Thai for Chinese Speakers Program : THB 27,000 (texts+extra-curricular activities)
– Communicative Thai for Beginners Program : THB 12,000 (texts)

4. What is the payment method?

Students can pay in full before enrollment by bank transfer via Bangkok Bank (Siam Square branch) within the application period. Account name: Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Account number: 152-4-218367.

5. What documents are needed to request a CTFL certificate of admission?

CTFL issues certificates of admission on two conditions:

For applicants residing outside Thailand: applicants need to email one passport copy to CTFL for the issuance of a certificate of admission that will be used as a supplementary document for a visa application in the applicant’s home country.

For applicants already residing in Thailand: applicants need to provide one passport copy and one copy of their departure card (attached to the passport) to CTFL for the issuance of a certificate of admission as a supplementary document for an ED visa application.

CTFL staff takes approximately 1 week to issue and mail a certificate of admission to the applicants for an ED visa. CTFL cannot issue letters or other documents except this certificate of admission. Applicants can contact CTFL staff regarding visas for further information.

6. When is the application period? How long does the application last?

For ITP, one month before the starting date. The maximum number of courses that a student can enroll in per time is three.

7. When is the application period? How long does the application last?

-For ITP, one month before the starting date. The maximum number of courses that a student can enroll in per time is three.
-For CTF, one week before the starting date. Regularly updated course schedules can be found here.

8. If I am interested in taking a placement test, what should I do?

Interested applicants with a beginning Thai background can contact CTFL staff for such test. The staff will notify you of the placement test date. CTFL reserves the right to offer placement tests only to registered students who have already paid the tuition fee.

9. How to contact CTFL?

Room 801/1-2, 8th floor Mahachakri Sirindhorn, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, tel (+66)-2-218-4924, email: ctfl@chula.ac.th or CTFL website

10. After enrollment, when will I receive my student card?

For the Intensive Thai Program and the Thai for Chinese Speakers Program, students will receive student cards during the first week of the class (CTFL cannot issue student cards if the application documents are not completed).

11. What facilities are available for CTFL students?

1. Central library (only access)

2. Faculty of Arts Library (only access)

3. CU Health Service Center

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