Outbound Exchange Program

Length of Study Abroad and Timeline for Planning

    • A student may study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters
    • A student should start planning for the application and credit transfer process at least 2 semesters prior to their expected semester/year abroad.

Regulations on credit transfer from foreign institutions

Foreign institutions refer to higher education institutions in foreign countries that have been ratified by Thailand’s Office of the Civil Service Commission and approved by Chulalongkorn University

Eligibility Requirements

    • One must be a student of Chulalongkorn University and must not be on academic probation during one's semester/year abroad.
    • One must have studied at Chulalongkorn University for at least 2 semesters and have a GPAX of at least 2.75.
    • One must return and study at Chulalongkorn University for at least 1 semester after studying abroad.

Credit Transfer Requirements

    • The content and evaluation methods of the transferred course must be comparable to a course offered at Chulalongkorn University
    • A student must receive at least a C or the equivalent thereof in the transferred course in order to receive credit for the course on the transcript at Chulalongkorn University. The grade will not be used to calculate the student’s GPAX at Chulalongkorn University, but it will appear as either an S or a U on the transcript, unless there is an explicit agreement with the foreign institution that all credits should be transferred and all grades should be included in the GPAX.
    • Transferred credits must not exceed 25% of all credits required to complete the program.

Application Procedures

There are two channels through which a student can apply to study abroad

Through the university

      • The student should choose a foreign institution from the list of exchange partner universities. (https://www.chula.ac.th/en/academics/exchange-student/outbound-exchange-student/)
      • Submit a petition to the Office of International Affairs and Global Network, Chulalongkorn University, who will then officially contact the foreign institution
      • Submit a petition to the Office of International Affairs, Faculty of Arts. The Office will issue the student a nomination letter, which the student should submit to the university's Office of International Affairs and Global Network
      • When the student receives a letter of acceptance from the foreign institution of their choice, they can start the process of credit transfer approval. They should get a form from the BALAC Office and contact individual instructors about particular courses for which they want to receive transferred credits
      • Submit the credit transfer form for approval to the BALAC committee
      • Once approved by the BALAC committee, the matter will be submitted to the faculty's board for its consideration and approval.*

Through the Faculty of Arts


      • If selected for the exchange program, the student should contact the Office of International Affairs, Faculty of Arts who will issue a nomination letter.
      • The Faculty’s International Affairs submits the letter of nomination to the approved foreign institutions.
      • When the student receives a letter of acceptance from the foreign institution, they can start the process of credit transfer approval. They should get a form from the BALAC office and contact individual instructors about particular courses for which they want to receive transferred credits.
      • Submit the credit transfer form for approval by the BALAC committee.
      • Once approved by the BALAC committee, the matter will be submitted to the faculty’s board for its consideration and approval. *

* All credit transfers must be approved prior to the student’s going abroad. If the student wishes to make changes to the approved credit transfers, they must seek approval from individual instructors and must resubmit the approval form to the BALAC office.