Call for application Outbound exchange program (university level MoU) Please see the files attached for the process to request nomination letter.
Call for application: outbound exchange program at the University level Semester: 2nd semester of AY 2022 Please find the links, application procedure, and application method in the files attached.
Chulalongkorn University announces the list of applicants with right to study at the Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture (International Program), Faculty of Arts for the 2022 Academic Year (International Admission Round). Please click on the link below for more details.
Chulalongkorn University announces the list of applicants with right to study at the Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture (International Program), Faculty of Arts for the 2022 Academic Year (Admissions Round). Please click on the link below for more details.
Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, announces a list of applicants who have successfully passed the interview round of the applications for Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture (International Program) for the 2022 academic year (international admissions round). Please click on the link below for more details.
The Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University announces the names of the applicants who have confirmed acceptance of their offer of place on the TCAS System for entry into the Bachelor of Arts in Language and Culture (International Program), Faculty of Arts for the 2022 Academic Year. Those named in the list should pay their confirmation […]