G-Dorm Program 2021

Monday, January 25, 2021 marks the conclusion of Niigata University’s G-Dorm (Global Dormitory) Program 2021.  The G-Dorm Program is an exchange program hosted by Niigata University, Japan, whose purpose is to internationalize their students by encouraging international group working with students from universities in the Mekong area.  Due to the pandemic, the program was forced to be organized virtually. The online activities include attending lectures at Niigata University and internships at Japanese organizations in Niigata.  The final products are group presentations relating to the development of the organizations involving in the program. This year is the first year that a student from the Faculty of Arts was selected to participate in the program. Chayapol Khaphaeng, an M.A. student from the Department of English decided to join the program despite the possibility of not being able to be onsite in Niigata. Although the program was online, the students realized its benefit as it was the only option during the pandemic to expand their international horizon.  From the online activities, the students learned a great deal about international communication and virtual activities; nevertheless, they all agreed that they will benefit more if the program were conducted onsite.



รองคณบดีฝ่ายวิชาการและคณะ ต้อนรับคณะผู้บริหารสมาคมผู้ปกครองและครูโรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษาและนักเรียนโรงเรียนเตรียมอุดมศึกษา (กลุ่มที่ 1) ที่สนใจจะเข้าศึกษาต่อในคณะอักษรศาสตร์