Meeting with National Chung Chi University Taiwan

On December 7, 2022, Assistant Professor Nirada Chitrakara, together with Dr. Porranee Singpliam, and representatives from the Department of Thai language, led by Associate Professor Poramin Jaruworn met with Assistant Professor Chawarote Valyamethee who represented National Chengchi University, Taiwan (NCCU). 

Dr. Valyamethee is responsible for the Graduate Program in Thai language and Culture at the College of Foreign Languages and Literature.  The College offers classes in ASEAN languages with Thai as the most popular.  Dr. Valyamethee, therefore, reached out to the Faculty of Arts for possible collaborations concerning student/faculty exchange programs, research collaborations, and joint programs.  The NCCU is looking forward to welcoming students from the Faculty of Arts who major in Thai language.  Teaching assistant positions, scholarships, and support for accommodation are possible at NCCU.  Dr. Valyamethee and his students will be visiting the Faculty of Arts on February 7, 2023. 

National Chengchi University (NCCU) was founded in 1927.  The NCCU is a comprehensive university with 11 colleges excelling in the Liberal Arts, Law, Commerce, Science, Foreign Languages, Social Sciences, Communication, International Affairs, Education, Informatics and Innovation.  The University is among top 100 in Asia and ranked within 150 in modern languages, politics and international studies, and communication media studies. 

Classes taught at the College of Liberal Arts, National Chengchi University encompasses Chinese, education, western languages, asean languages, history, and philosophy.  There are also associated research institutes to train talented teachers and encourage specialized research. In total the College now has three departments, four independent institutes, as well as one training program and two additional master degree programs. There are also six multi-disciplinary research centers for teachers – the Religion Research Center, the Phenomenology Research Center, the Chinese Modern History Research Center, the Body in Culture Research Center, the Human Rights History Research Center and the East Asian Literature Research Center ( 

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คณะอักษรศาสตร์ร่วมวางพวงมาลาถวายสักการะพระบรมราชานุสาวรีย์ พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรเมนทรมหาอานันทมหิดล พระอัฐมรามาธิบดินทร ณ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย เนื่องในวันอานันทมหิดล