Welcoming a delegate from the University of Siegen

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Associate Professor Suradech Chotiudompant, together with the Associate Dean, Assistant Professor Nirada Chitrakara and representatives of the German Section, Associate Professor Wilita Sriuranpong and Dr. Nantana Anuntkosol, Head of the German Section, welcomed Professor Petra Vogel, Vice President in International Affairs from the University of Siegen, Germany.  The meeting concerned possible collaborations, such as exchange of students/staff, visiting scholars, and research/seminars/conference organization.  The possibilities are endless as a few of the faculties at the German Section, including Professor Sriuranpong and Dr. Anuntkosol also graduated from Siegen.  The German Section also has already been working with Siegen during the past years.  This meeting will only make the connection institutional.  The MoU signing in both the faculty and university levels is in the picture.

The University of Siegen is a medium-sized, interdisciplinary research university. It is firmly rooted in the South Westphalia region and has extensive national and international networks. Focusing both on research and teaching, the University’s mission is to contribute to a future that is people-oriented and shaped by responsibility for society. This is expressed in the guiding principle of the University of Siegen: Shape the future humanely. https://www.uni-siegen.de/start/die_universitaet/?lang=de

Picture: https://www.educations.com/study-abroad/university-of-siegen/



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